Using the 80/20 principle when pricing vision correction
Discover how the 80/20 principle can revolutionize your pricing strategy for vision correction, unlocking untapped revenue potential.
Discover how the 80/20 principle can revolutionize your pricing strategy for vision correction, unlocking untapped revenue potential.
Making £1,000,000 in revenue from a refractive surgery practice is a remarkable financial achievement. As a refractive surgery practice owner, you can transform your practice into a million-dollar venture. By grasping the fundamental principles of pricing, metrics and patient acquisition, you can strategically plan your journey. Remember that offering high-value services, understanding your target audience, and aiming for a relatively high price point will propel your practice towards extraordinary success. Embrace the math, set precise goals, and let determination and expertise guide you on this rewarding path.
Learn the best way to avoid wasting money on marketing and see lucrative results in your first year.
You might be sending out the wrong signals to your patients. Here’s a clue: it’s all about YOU them, not them. If you can correctly master heroic messaging into your ophthalmology brand, then you'll likely increase number of surgeries you perform. Because it’s that simple. What does this mean exactly? And who’s the hero? Read on here to find out more.
Cut through the noise in a crowded market. In this post, Rod and Laura give you the tools to perfect your customer avatar and craft your patient's journey from point A to point B.
Founder and Fractional CMO Rod Solar, explains how we can help to innovate an effective video content strategy for you and to accelerate your laser eye practice through these simple steps.
Here’s a marketing system where referrals drive happy customers back to the top of the sales pipeline. As a bonus, you’ll reduce your overall marketing costs.
3 fundamental insights will help you become the most attractive option in your market. In this podcast, Rod Solar and Laura Livesey share three surprising ways to position at your offer, competition, and yourself.
In this audio podcast about how to run world-class consultations, Rod Solar plays the part of the clinic team with Laura Livesey playing the part of the patient. They run through a demonstration of what a world-class first appointment should look and sound like to increase the likelihood of converting appointments into patients.
What are the three steps you need to take to find a suitable marketing partner? I think the first step is you need to figure out if that partner shares your values by subscribing to their free content. Then you should get some kind of assessment from them. Finally, have a chat to see if you are compatible.