Website design: how to promote your key services
It’s likely that your healthcare business offers more than one procedure to your patients. If that’s the case, you’ll need to make a few important choices that relate to promoting the key services in your website design. On your website, you would want to highlight particular services over others for any number of reasons, including:
- to highlight your particular area of expertise
- to flag visitors with the procedures that they’ll likely be most interested in
- to promote your procedure of choice while still providing alternatives
- to promote the service that people might be interested at a particular point in time
- to highlight specific procedures you want to advertise
How to highlight your expertise and flag visitors with the procedures they are most likely looking for
Your home page is what the user typically sees first when they arrive directly on your domain through search engine marketing, paid search campaign, a link from a referring website, email marketing, or social media, or after typing your domain into their browser due to your branding efforts. Because your home page design depends so much on information architecture, content, and the site’s purpose, it’s usually the last page we design. For the purposes of this discussion, I’ll share the reasons behind some of the design choices we’ve made in some of the sites we’ve designed.
Plastic surgeon Gabriel Alvarez needs to promote three key services
We designed this plastic surgery website for a sole plastic surgeon who wanted to promote his expertise on the web with the aim of generating enquiries for his private practice. You can how for this site, we focussed mainly on 4 areas: the natural look consultation, breast surgery, abdominoplasty and skin cancer screening.
We decided to use an accordion slider to highlight their key services (the images in the slider expand into full view when you hover over them, like an accordion). How did we choose which procedures to highlight?
In consultation with the client, we agreed on the nexus between his specialty areas (where he could compete effectively from an experience and expertise perspective) and the treatment types that were in high demand at the time (as evidenced by Google search trends and keyword tools).
We settled on breast surgery (27,000 local monthly searches, abdominoplasty (3,600 local monthly searches), and skin cancer screening (480 local monthly searches). We organised these in descending order (from left to right), starting with our call to action on the far left: the natural look consultation. We also repeated this call to action below all the options. Using the theory (primacy and recency effects) that people remember most what they are offered first and last, we organised the options this way, above the fold of the typical user screen resolution in this case: 1280 x 800.
How to offer alternative treatments without distracting from your primary aim
Vision Correction Consultants aims to offer an alternative to laser eye surgery
Here’s another example of another home page design that was influenced by the promoted procedure. When we designed the website for Vision Correction Consultants, we knew they wanted to focus the majority of their business on refractive lens exchange (RLE), with a minority of their patients being offered laser eye surgery as an alternative. For this reason, we designed a slider that emphasised the benefits of the RLE procedure, and featured people of the age that would most likely benefit from this procedure (45 and over).
Below the fold, we added four images with their related headline and copy. The first three images, headlines and copy relate to different aspects of RLE (why they claim it’s better than laser for those 45 and over, how it’s a permanent solution as opposed to laser eye surgery, and how it can help avoid cataracts in the future). The last image features a younger woman, a headline and copy that would more likely attract a prospective laser eye surgery patient.
How to keep visitors up to date regarding time-sensitive services
Some clinics we work with offer over 100 services including tests, vaccinations, and other treatments.
Sometimes, these clinics leverage seasonal changes or special dates to highlight these offers when people are most likely looking for them.
Samedaydoctor needs to attract people who want services related to what they are thinking about right now
Currently, Samedaydoctor uses their website to promote their services to those considering overseas holidays and to those who might be revving up for the holiday party season. The first screenshot demonstrates how they use images of overseas destinations to promote vaccinations one may require when planning holidays to exotic lands abroad.
In this slightly steamier version of the homepage, they are promoting the their sexual health services to prospective patients who may have acted impulsively during holiday season parties with friends and colleagues (often their busiest time for these types of sexual health tests).
In both versions, samedaydoctor ensures that you are seeing their latest blog post (usually highlighting a new service or special time-limited offer), a high-margin service they are aiming to promote, and a short explanation of why one should choose them over their main competitor in the public sector (free tests at the NHS).
Using landing pages to highlight specific procedures you want to advertise
Another very important approach when highlighting content is to do with landing pages. Landing pages work best with either direct referrals (where you can offer a direct link to the landing page) or Paid Search (where you can choose where the person ends up when they click on a specific ad).
Landing page design is a discipline of its own. And, you usually will not see a landing page unless you are the targeted visitor, but I can give you an example of a landing page here, including a rationale as to why we designed it this way.
A very important aspect of Paid Search advertising is your ad’s quality score. The ad’s quality score can be influenced by its click-through-rate and the relevance of the page it clicks through to.
Quality score is important because it can be used by Adwords to bump up your add above competitors, sometimes in spite of your competitors bidding a higher cost-per-click. A higher quality score and higher page relevance, the less you may need to spend per click to get that visitor.
So, we aim to create landing pages for paid search campaigns because it not only helps the quality score of the ad that links to it, but it also increases conversion rates on the page.
London Vision Clinic offers a select group of its paid search visitors a landing page that focuses on exactly what they are looking for, instead of sending them to their homepage
Imagine you are interested in a particular procedure (in this example, near vision correction to correct your presbyopia). You conduct a search on Google using the keyword “near vision correction” and see an ad that offers a solution to your problem, which you click on.
It would be confusing for that ad to direct you to the website’s homepage, which may or may not highlight near vision correction as an option for you. Further, this page may turn you off if it features people who are not like you, benefits that you are not interested in, and calls to action that don’t feed your interests.
It makes more sense for you to be directed to a landing page (like the screenshot) that is focused mainly on the benefits promised in the ad that lead you there. In this case, the ad offered getting rid of reading glasses, so it makes sense that the landing page focuses mainly on the specific solution that helps you get rid of reading glasses, the success rates of that procedure, the costs related to this procedure, and images and calls to action that specifically appeal to the consumer who visits the page.
In this way, London Vision Clinic can maximise conversions from this source. It’s good practice to create landing pages for every paid search ad group, every social medial channel, and even for visitors that derive from email marketing and offline advertising too.
I hope this has helped you identify ways to use design to highlight your key services and products. If you have any comments to add or would like to ask any questions related to this subject, please leave a comment below.
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Meet our Co-Founders
Rod Solar
Founder & Scalable Business Advisor
For over 20 years, I’ve helped ophthalmology entrepreneurs scale their private practices. I specialise in doubling revenue within three years by offering a proven framework, hands-on experience, and a team of experts who implement what works. We take the guesswork out of growth and scale, so you can focus on delivering exceptional patient care while maximising the value of your business.
LiveseySolar completely transformed the way we were approaching this… We’ve gone from having just the dream of having a practice to having a practice up and running with people making inquiries and booking for procedures… It’s extremely pleasing. We feel lucky we connected with LiveseySolar.
— Dr Matthew Russell, MBChB, FRANZCO, specialist ophthalmic surgeon and founder of VSON and OKKO
Laura Livesey
Founder & CEO
I’m the co-founder & CEO of LiveseySolar. I’ve developed powerful eye surgery marketing systems that increase patient volumes and profits for doctors, clinics, and hospitals, since 1997.
Rod and Laura know as much about marketing surgery to patients as I know about performing it. They are an expert in the field of laser eye surgery marketing. They know this industry inside out. I believe that they could help many companies in a variety of areas including marketing materials, sales training and marketing support for doctors.
— Prof. Dan Reinstein, MD MA FRSC DABO, founder of the London Vision Clinic, UK